Trust Information

  • This service is for information purposes only, we introduce any enquiries to a third party.

These services are for information purposes only, we introduce any enquiries to a third party.


Introduction to Trusts

A trust is an obligation binding in a person (which can be an individual or a company) called a 'trustee' to deal with 'property' in a particular way, for the benefit of one or more 'beneficiaries'.

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We offer a complimentary introduction meeting to understand your existing plans and your financial objectives so that we can offer you the right advice and service that meets your objectives and your preferences.


a hand holding a key with a keychain in the shape of a house

What is property?

The property of a trust can include:

  1. Money
  2. Investments
  3. Land or buildings
  4. Other assets, such as paintings

The cash and investments held in the trust are also called the 'capital' or 'fund' of the trust. This capital (or fund) may produce income, such as interest or dividends. The land and buildings may produce rental income.

Our personalised evidence-based recommendations that build on your current plans are achieved using robust research. We investigate different financial scenarios so that you can be confident in achieving your objectives


a man with a backpack hiking on a mountain trail

What is a 'beneficiary'?

A beneficiary is anyone who benefits from the property held in the trust. There can be one or more beneficiaries, such as a whole family or a class of people, and each may benefit from the trust in a different way.

For example, a beneficiary may benefit from

  1. the income only, or
  2. the capital only, or
  3. both the income and the capital of the trust

Get in touch

When we tell you about a fee, you will always receive a clear explanation of: The total fee, the advice service it relates to, how it's been calculated, when you need to pay it and your payment options.

What is a 'settlor'?

A settlor is a person who has put property into trust. Property is normally put into the trust when it is created, but it can also be added at a later date.

Is a settlement the same as a trust?

The words 'settlement' and 'trust' are sometimes used in place of each other, and to describe the same thing. For tax purposes, the term 'settlement' can have a wider meaning and can include various other arrangements and agreements.

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  • Louise
    "Verve are genuinely passionate about your financial future, whether you're 19 or 90"
  • Brenda and Paul
    "We feel positive about our future and feel our finances are in safe hands"
  • Juliette
    "I really love working with Michelle, she went above and beyond to help me get my ideal mortgage"
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